Sketchable Blog

How to Save & Share in Sketchable 

Once you have created your art, the next steps are to protect and share it. To accomplish this with digital media, it is best practice to back up your work. It is in this spirit that Sketchable auto saves in numerous places, including on closing of the app. However, it is highly encouraged to implement some redundancy by exporting your work regularly. Ideally, to an external hard drive and/or the cloud. This will provide additional protection in case of a device failure.  Sketchable provid...

Customize Your Brushes

The foundation of Sketchable is its brush engine. It’s where our development started and where a majority of our resources continue to be spent. The goal was to provide fluid default brushes, up level frequently adjusted settings, and provide an e...

Sketchable Plus 1.0

Sketchable Plus 1.0 Press Release Gainesville, Florida – (January 2023) – Silicon Benders has released Sketchable Plus 1.0 to the Microsoft Store. Sketchable Plus builds upon its predecessor, cementing itself as an entirely new application provi...

Symmetry Tool

One of the more powerful tools in Sketchable’s arsenal is symmetry. What makes this so useful is its versatility, as Sketchable offers multiple types of symmetry, including mirror, radial, and snowflake. When utilized properly, these various versi...