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Sketchable Artisans Spotlight: Johnny Jalopy

I have always had a desire to be creative and have always dreamed of having a career as an artist. The moment that I knew I had to fully pursue my dream is the day I lost my father. He was a great artist, specializing in landscapes, but never believed in his work to take it any further than just a hobby.  He was always too afraid of rejection and that prevented him from showing or selling his art.  He had the same dream of doing something more with his great talent but he never had the courage to take that first step forward.  Life is short, and his was much too short, so much so that he ran out of time.  I made a promise to myself that I was going to take that first step toward my dream and not let anything stop me – not fear, not rejection, not adversity.  

I mustered up the determination to develop my skill, and I started by doing most of my work in pen/ink and via airbrush. An art friend of mine gave me a Wacom Pad he didn’t want anymore.  I began to use that in the early stages of my digital art and found I really liked using it.  It was fun to use and it provided me with many additional options for creating artwork.

 For Christmas, December 2017, my wife, ItyB, bought me a Microsoft SurfaceBook.  I stumbled upon Sketchable while doing some research about online sketch programs and apps that would be compatible with my new device.  I watched some YouTube videos and thought the program looked easy enough for me to quickly learn and start using so I jumped right it.  I was right!! I was up and running in no time and was hooked right from the start! I love this app!  I love the feel of it, the look of it, and the ease of use.

 I am always working on projects!  Most of my art is design work for clients, logo work, and custom renderings.  I’m utilizing Sketchable just about every day!!  My wife and I host a Live Sketching Show on Monday nights at 9:30pm EST on Facebook where I draw LIVE using the Sketchable App.  I am able to show the different features, different brushes, and capabilities of the program during this time with a live audience and I answer viewer questions about the app when I am asked.